The EU Year of Rail's Connecting Europe Express
The Connecting Europe Express was the flagship initiative of the European Year of Rail. A special train which crisscrossed Europe, the project was a showcase of rail’s strength as a driving force for sustainable mobility, economic activity and European identity.
Initiated by the European Commission, the project was coordinated on the technical and operational side by CER. From the beginning, CER, its members and project partners actively engaged to facilitate the smooth journey of the train across the continent. They also helped ensure the train received a warm welcome wherever it stopped, with arrival ceremonies, site visits and conferences all along the route. Such events helped to promote rail locally across Europe, part of a key goal of the EU Year of Rail: to promote the use of rail among citizens and businesses and realise the shift to rail required for the EU to achieve its decarbonisation ambitions under the EU Green Deal.
Find out more here here.